Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Book Review: Almost Missed You by Jessica Strawser

Another of my anticipated releases, Almost Missed You almost missed the mark.

A novel about love and loss and missed connections, Almost Missed You follows the lives of Violet, Finn through their eyes and the eyes of a close friend, Caitlyn, whose own marriage is rife with secrets. Though they seem to be happily married, Violet is floored when Finn disappears with their young son.

I almost didn't read past the first chapter. The writing style did not appeal to me at all. I actually found it quite boring and ended up skimming large portions because I couldn't stand the narration. Honestly, if the book had been longer, I probably would not have finished it.

The story was decent. Some parts struck chords with my own failed marriage but not enough to make any of the characters relatable. I think I liked the kids the most - Bear, Leo, and Gus - because they reminded me of my own kids and their absolute cuteness sprang off the page like a jack in the box.

The Verdict

I don't know. It was alright. I mean, I read it and it left me feeling nothing special other than perhaps a touch annoyed. Then again, as much as I try, I simply cannot get into these types of books. I'm sure fans of these romance-centric, broken-heart novels will love it.

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