Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Finished NaNoWriMo

I love to write, really I do, and I seriously feel better when I am writing regularly but this was an intense experience and coupled with working full time, managing a household, and my number one job of being a Mom, it was a lot.  I am hopeful for the day where I can devote more time to writing and less time to a full time job that frankly drives me mad more often than not.  That will only come with more writing and more success.  I am so thankful that my family, especially my amazing kiddos, are so understanding and supportive.  Anybody in the world can tell me they are proud of me for something but when one or both of my kiddos says they are proud of me, well, it means so much more.  I know my five year old does not really understand it all, he just knows Mommy is writing a book.  My six year old is amazed because she is "writing books" in school and sees how much work goes into a few sentences on a few pages.  There is no feeling in the world like being a hero to a child, especially your own and I know it will not always be this way but you better believe I am going to enjoy it while I can. 

Anyway, in the end, I finished with 50,253 words in 26 days (I started late a little late but made up for it!).  Light My Fire/Emerald Seer #2 is currently being edited and should be ready for release in a few weeks.  I am pretty pleased with it and I hope you all will be as well!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almost to goal!

Sooooo very close. Tapped out tonight at exactly 44,300 words. I have not kept up on my blog or been able to read as much as I normally do but I am currently reading a fabulous novel called "The Light Within Me" by Carly Fall (also the organizer for the upcoming Holiday Blog Hop). I will be back on top of things as soon as I finish this novel for NaNo. I will be taking a few days off writing (thought I will be editing) and give my brain a break with a great read!

If you haven't checked it out yet, I am running a promo on Ryder on the Storm - only 99 cents at B&N and Amazon for a limited time!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

So close to completing NaNoWriMo novel!!

35,029 words down.  I can't vouch for how much editing it will need when I am done but so far I am very pleased with it.  I have had some feedback from one of my test readers (who is also starting the editing process) and Alpha (so my code names are not as creative) is quite pleased with it as well.  I have had a few rough patches where a) the words just wouldn't come or b) I couldn't decide which direction to take the story.  Alpha asked if I know how it ends - of course I do - but there are half a dozen subplots that can veer off in alternate directions and occasionally it is difficult for me to decide which fits best with the characters/story/main plot line.  This is part of why I love writing though, my imagination knows no bounds! 

On a side note - I hope everybody is ready for the Holiday Blog Hop!  It's going to be FUN!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday blog hop!

Hi everyone - quick update on NaNoWriMo - I am going to breach 30,000 words tonight (YAY!).  I had a few rough patches but it is rolling now and I have this weekend and a long holiday weekend to get it done!

Also, and the big news!  I am participating in a Holiday Blog Hop - fellow authors please join in and fellow readers you might find some new, glorious books for your collections.  I will have a banner up and running as soon as I figure out how to add it but I will be giving away two free copies of Ryder on the Storm/Emerald Seer #1 to two lucky winners!!  More details to follow after Turkey Day!

Apologies for the short blurbs and pseudo-MIA status, but I have been writing - A LOT. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Half way through with Light My Fire/Emerald Seer #2

YAY!  I am so excited that I made it half way!  Less than 25,000 words to go to complete NaNoWriMo!  Light My Fire might end up a little longer but it is rolling along well and I hope you will all be excited with the outcome.  I have to say that this has been a great experience so far and I would strongly encourage anybody with the writing bug to try it! 

As of today, I have signed on to participate in a Holiday Blog Hop in December which means I will be putting up a few free copies of Ryder on the Storm/Emerald Seer #1.  Look for more details soon!

Finally, I have to give a huge shout out and thanks to my friends and family who have supported me, bought my book, and gave me some good feedback on it!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Temp book cover

My fabulous cover artist is still working on the real cover but I have seen some roughs and I believe it will be absolutely amazing.  In the meantime, I went whipped up a slightly more professional looking temp cover, you can check it out on FB, at B&, or at, or below.

Update on NaNoWriMo - going well, almost halfway to goal and I should hit that tonight!  I have one of my proof-readers/reviewers going to work on the first 20,000 words this week so that I can get moving on a finalized copy.  Goal for release is the week before Christmas. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Making Progress and a little teaser

Since deciding to write Light My Fire/Emerald Seer #2 for NaNoWriMo I have really been working away and find myself VERY excited for this book.  This is a strange thing for me because I usually dislike sequels, not sure why, but I do.  Not the case with my own series.  Maybe it is a subconscious thing where I am working that much harder to make the second better since it is my personal pet peeve?  Regardless, I am very excited for this book to round out though I am tapping out tonight to get some sleep.  I am just shy of the word goal for this point in the month and I will catch up this weekend for sure!

Teasers:  new character for Light My Fire/Emerald Seer #2 include Sophie Bedeaux with her tragic tale, Angeline's character will be rounded out more, Damarra returns to shed her not always helpful points of view, and Lucian's story will be a scorcher (okay, it is late, I am tired, that was not my best).

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Check out the amazing sketch my friend Dave Holtz has done of Storm Sullivan.  I send him hugs across the miles for caputring my heroine so well (even though he is not yet satisfied with it).  This is an entirely different type of teaser - just a glimpse of what his cover promises!!

Monday, November 7, 2011


HEY ALL!  Light My Fire could be out sooner than Christmas as I have decided to entered the National Novel Writing Month movement.  I have 7100 words but I am just getting ready to sit down tonight.  I think it is a wonderful idea and the motivation should help me get this together sooner which is what I need! 

Thanks to all who have purchased my eBooks from B&N and Amazon.  I would appreciate reviews - as honest as possible!!  I am hoping to have a cover up for Ryder on the Storm by the end of the week or so, I will of course post it on here! 

Anyway, this is short, apologies, but I need to get writing!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Teaser from "Light My Fire"

1503 – Lucian
The witch lied.  Damn her.  Lucian vowed to pay her back tenfold if it was the last thing he ever did.  Six months and the fire still burned through every inch of his being.  The spirit remained angry and thrashed against him with enough force to make him wretch up whatever food he managed to choke down.  Ryder noticed his weight loss.  Worry creased his friend’s brow more often than not these days, and it certainly wasn’t about the new recruits.  The Scots, Kell and Pollux always eyed Lucian warily but they had taken to Ryder.  Still, Ryder watched him closely.  Whenever Ryder broached the subject or attempted to touch his mind, Lucian shut down, glared, and stormed off.  
He remained resolved to tame the beast but it made him irritable.  Lucian felt anger writhing inside him, fury and fire he’d dubbed it.  He refused to use its real name, Phoenix, as punishment.  The more Lucian reasoned with it, the angrier it grew and the more it burned so he’d taken to other methods.  Strongest of the Immortals he had taken on the Phoenix and the witch promised it would submit to Lucian in two days to remain little more than a flicker for all of time.   He should have known better.  They all should have. 

Emerald Seer #1 now available for Kindle and Nook

Hellllo all!  Ryder on the Storm is now available for Kindle ( and Nook (barnes&  Please check it out, follow the blog and I will keep updates going on how Ryder is doing as well as how the sequel is coming along. 

Emerald Seer/Ryder on the Storm may be familiar from the Creating Estelan blog, but since Storm and her gang seem to be taking on a life of their own, it became necessary to split the series into separate blogs - so, here you have it.  Enjoy!