Sunday, June 24, 2012

End of the Night delayed

I sincerely apologize for another delay to End of the Night.  It is with some measure of sadness that I put off the release but I know that I must do right by Storm and her clan especially since this last installment tells the love story between Damarra and Roane and ties up all the loose ends.  I have run it by my nearest and dearest beta readers and they both agree it is not right.  I do not know if I am having a hard time saying good-bye to Storm or if I was pushing it too hard to begin with.

I am working on a giveaway that will include at least one ARC of End of the Night.  Stay tuned for more on the giveaway and a new release date for End of the Night.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Fling

Check out this amazing blog with a few books you make recognize and several you should purchase if you haven't already! There will be more added as time goes on so keep checking back!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Expanding availability for the Emerald Seer

Just a note to let everyone know that I am pulling the Emerald Seer books from KDP Select so they will no longer be exclusive to Amazon.  After several requests for expansion and a few less than satisfactory freebie promos (we won't discuss this now because it irks me that the Ammy had to alter algorithms and make their freebie promos less appealing to indie authors) I have pulled Ryder on the Storm and Light My Fire from the program and uploaded them to Barnes and Noble as well as Smashwords.  Both books are live on both sites so spread the word if you would!  Whiskey, Mystics and Men is stuck in the Select program until July but after that I will put it up on both sites as well. 

I appreciate all that KDP Select did for the Emerald Seer Series as far as initial exposure but I think it gets to a point where the program can no longer help and with End of the Night's release coming in the next month or so, I no longer want to be handcuffed to the program that cuts off a lot of readers. 

Just one more quick apology for the limited posts in the last month or so, I have been working hard on End of the Night, spending time with my kiddos, and reacclimating to my home state where I have recently relocated.  These are no excuses but they have been delaying completion of End of the Night and I really want this last installment done right.  A lot has to happen so I hope readers will forgive the delays and enjoy Whiskey, Mystics, and Men in the meantime. 

One of my new fav sites -

Seriously, check out this site, it is wonderfully managed and easy to navigate.  Of course, it helps that Ryder on the Storm is being featured today but I will be returning to this page regularly!  Take a few moments and check it out, maybe you will find a book (or several) that will pique your interest!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

To Website or not to Website

I tried one.  I really did.  I tried to compile a website with all of my interests and I admit I liked where it was going.  Not only did this one website serve as a convenient portal for me it let people know a little bit about me.  The problem?  I could not stand the layout and there was little room to make the changes I wanted.  I don't particuarly want to pay for some super jazzy website since money is tight (hey! I am a mom and an indie author!) but I think I want something and I have to think it would be good from a marketing standpoint.  I want to do giveaways (I am working on Emerald Seer AND Estelan lines of super cool merchandise), run polls, and link to some other awesome indies.  So, I pose this question, what is the best way to accomplish this?  Through which service?  How much should it cost?  Anybody?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Writing .... And the words are flowing fast!

End of the Night is moving along at a good pace in spite of all the uproar in my life over the last week. I do believe it will be the last Emerald Seer novel though I have not ruled out a second novella and I intend to carry over some of the characters into another series that has already taken form in the back of my mind. In the meantime, I have had some questions on End of the Night and am working on some promo ideas as well as some giveaways so stay tuned!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

End of the Night moving along again

I feel awful.  I loathe writer's block and I detest life circumstances interfering with my writing.  Fortunately, neither issue keeps me away for long.  Now that things are settling down in my personal life I find the writer's block dissipating as well - very fortunate for End of the Night!  I laid out a few thousand words yesterday and only stopped because my eyelids grew surprisingly heavy all of a sudden and coffee succeeded only in increasing my trips to the restroom.  I am back at it today however while my kiddos put on a show around me (too cute for words).  By now they are quite accustomed to Mommy writing when it hits her and I could not ask for a better cheering section than my kiddos.  Of course, I suspect their motives are slightly less than pure since they are eager for me to continue writing our joint effort - Weather Girl. 

I am still pushing to have an end of June release of End of the Night.  I am grateful to everyone who has shown support for Storm and her friends and to that end I want to push out this installment which may be the last with Storm as the feature character.