Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year to one and all!

Here's to hopes of a better year, good fortune to my family and friends, and more time together!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The Emerald Seer Series is in full swing!  Ryder on the Storm and Light My Fire are both available on Amazon as ebooks and I am working diligently on bringing them both to paperback.  Even better, the third book in the series has a title - End of the Night - and will run parallel stories.  Damarra and Roane's history will be revealed as the Goddess searches for her lover with the aid of some familiar faces.  Storm will continue to struggle with her powers, her pregnancy, and a host of new enemies. 

I will post some snippets and teasers shortly!  Happy reading!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The end of the freebie days (aka the upside of KDP select)

I admit, I was absolutely, positively, undeniably anti-KDP select as an author.  The idea of alienating so many avenues for my ebook sales seemed crazy.  I did it though.  I pulled my book from all sites except for Amazon and proceeded to do a three day freebie promo to lead into the release of my second book.  The results have been great, I have gotten a lot more exposure and solid feedback so far. 

If you haven't yet, take a chance and check out my Emerald Seer Series!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Light My Fire/Emerald Seer 2 now available!

Hi all! The anticipated sequel to Ryder on the Storm/Emerald Seer 1 is now available on! It is priced at 99 cents but available for free borrowing if you are an amazon prime member. I encourage you to check it out, feedback I have gotten so far us that it is better than the first!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 1 KDP Select

I am really pleased with the results of my first day in KDP Select.  I opted to run three promo days to launch the release of my sequel and so far I have had more than 400 downloads of Ryder on the Storm/Emerald Seer I, mostly from the US store but more than 60 from the UK store!  For that reason I have decided to enroll Light My Fire/Emerald Seer II in the KDP Select program as well and will likely run it free for the first few days. 

I want to give a huge shout out to my inner support circle with this venture - you know who you are - THANK YOU!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Taking the plunge - KDP Select

I am going to admit that I have been on the fence about enrolling in KDP Select.  It sounds great, really it does, but is it one of those things that sounds too good to be true?  After deliberating for quite some time, I have decided to take the plung.  I am pulling Ryder on the Storm - Emerald Seer 1 from barnes& and enrolling it in KDP Select.  It will be on the KDP free promo starting tomorrow and running free through Tuesday!

Light My Fire is still set to be released on Tuesday (December 20th) and for now will initially be available on Amazon.   Cross your fingers for me!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Release Date - Light My Fire/Emerald Seer 2

Hi all!  Light My Fire/Emerald Seer #2 will be released on Tuesday December 20th on Barnes and Noble and Amazon as an ebook.  This is just a short entry night to share the release date because I have some last minute touches that should take me through the weekend - not to mention, cookies to bake, gifts to wrap, gifts to finish, and only a hundred or so other things to do over the course of the next week and a half!

Happy Holidays and thanks for the support!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Blog Hop Winners!

I have decided to gift ebook copies of Ryder on the Storm/Emerald to all who commented on my blog this weekend for the blog hop.  I will email each of you to see what format you prefer and Julie I need your email in order to contact you! 

Thanks to all who participated!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Make sure you check out the Holiday Blog Hop and find yourself some new, amazing, authors to read!!  Click the "Holiday Blog Hop" logo on the side of my blog to check out my fabulous co-authors! I am giving away TWO ebook copies of Ryder on the Storm/Emerald Seer #1 - your choice between kindle and nook-friendly versions!

Editing = not fun

I hate editing and I so wish I could afford an editor to just handle it for me.  Ugh.  It is tedious and time consuming and I have the utmost respect for anybody who edits for a living!  Thankfully, I have two excellent readers who focus on content but pick up on a lot of my typos because of who they are!  You know who you are and I appreciate you and the time you take to read my first and second and even third drafts!! 

Ryder on the Storm's cover is closer to being complete and so far I am pretty darn pleased with how it looks.  I have ideas submitted for Light My Fire's cover and I believe my illustrator is more excited for that one - I am just hoping he is not too frustrated with Ryder on the Storm's cover to do the sequel's cover!

Here's to edits!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas is my favorite time of year!

I love the smells and the lights, giving presents and baking cookies, horse drawn carriages and jingle bells. My favorite songs are Silver Bells and Holly Jolly Christmas, followed very closely by The Christmas Song and Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.... yet there are so many more great songs that warm my heart this time of year. It irks me that people somehow become increasingly rude at this time of year even when faced with a smile or a kind word. Whatever your personal beliefs or practices, isn't there something magical in the air throughout December? I think so, I have seen it in varying quantities as long as I can remember. Please take a moment this time of year to perform one random act of kindness, it is worth it, worth the way you will feel and how you will make the other person feel. Tell you recipient to pay it forward too, let's wipe out the bah humbugs with a blast of good cheer.

I am still looking for reviews from my amazon customers! You know who you are and I appreciate it!! Thank you all for the support, I have decided to keep Ryder on the Storm listed at 99 cents throughout the month of December in the spirit of the holidays.

Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Amazon URL for Violet Patterson

In the ever-growing world of marketing an indy-published ebook, I have joined Amazon's Author Central and have my own URL -   Stop by and check out it - while you are on Amazon, pick up a copy of Ryder on the Storm/Emerald Seer #1 and get it read before the sequel's release in a few weeks!

Also, those of you who have purchased through Amazon, please take a few moments to review it!  Thanks for all of your support!