Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Slight delay to Whiskey, Mystics, and Men

Apologies abound.  I devoted my weekend to my kiddos since I will be away from my family for the next six weeks as a part of our transition cross country.  That means my novella did not get as far as it needed to in order to be published this weekend.  However, I believe it is going to be quite a bit longer than I originally anticipated as I am at 20,000 words and while editing realized the need to flush out a bit more and bridge some gaps.  I am really pleased with the story so far but I want to add some more.  I am not going to delay the release too much longer and hope to make a lot of progress this weekend.


** Introduction of the first vampire to appear in the Emerald Seer Series
** A bit of insight into Trin Sullivan's life
** Some teasers for End of the Night

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