Saturday, May 24, 2014

GUEST POST for this fantastic holiday weekend!

Please give a warm Emerald Seer welcome to A. Christopher Drown as he drops in for a guest spot this weekend!! Without further ado, take it away Mr. Drown....

I have no idea what to write.

Which is the story of my life, and that’s probably a pun. Sorry. But of all forms of guest posting, the open prompt is by far the most daunting. My experience is that few things intimidate like the hard stare of a blank page.

So what’s one to do when faced with that challenge? That dilemma? Exactly what I’m doing now. Just write. Force the words to rattle themselves loose. Let the fingers fly, let the syllables click into place, let a rhythm rise to the surface, and soon you’ll yield to the familiar flow of thought and idea.

Because, you see, that’s the difference between those who write and those who want to someday write. (Don’t worry about split infinitives. Edit later.) Writers sit down and do it. Every day. Whether they feel like it or not. It’s exercise. It’s a work out. And there are days when going to the gym sounds less pleasant than pushing needles through your gums. But that’s too bad, assuming writing is what you really want to do. So, go get a fresh pot of coffee going. Fire up the laptop, or sharpen a couple pencils, or find that favorite pen you keep losing. Get comfortable, but not too comfortable. You’re here to work, not lounge.

You good? Good.

Now, write a word. It really doesn’t matter what that word is. The first word that wanders too close and lets you snatch it out of the air will do just fine. Type it. Scribble it. Whatever it takes to start the avalanche. And when that tumble grows and starts barreling right for you, resist the urge to stand up to get out of its way. Let it hit you. Let it surge over you. Get buried in it.

Without being able to remember when it began, the forest your characters are exploring will rustle and chirp; the city your antagonist plans to bring to its knees will hum, honk and screech. Those who populate your story will speak—first through you, then for themselves. And by doing so, now and then they’ll veer the tale into places you never expected to go—which is the very ride you paid for; an utterly E-ticket attraction. (Don’t worry about references no one under 35 will understand. Edit later.)

Hold on. Stay with it. Revel in every twist, plunge and turn. Keep your hands inside the car at all times—or more to the point, on the keyboard or clutching that pencil or pen. And even when the ride begins to slow, which obviously it will, remember not to unfasten your belt or stand to exit until you come to a complete and total stop.

So, now. You’re done. Ride’s over. Work out’s done. Don’t you feel better? Of course you do. And don’t worry about word count—a hundred, a thousand; doesn’t matter. You sat, you focused, and you produced. Was any of it good? Probably better than you think. But look it over later, not right now. For now, close up your laptop, put away your pencil and pen. Take your coffee mug to the kitchen and wash it out. And don’t forget to dump the old grounds in the coffee maker into the trash and wash out the pot as well. Because you’ll need them when you do the same thing tomorrow.

Yes, you most certainly will; don’t look at me like that. You’ll sit down tomorrow and do it all over again. Because that’s what makes you a writer.

Even when you have no idea what to write.

About the Author: A. Christopher Drown is a native of Brunswick, Maine, who currently resides in Memphis. His work has appeared in several magazines and anthologies. The first edition of A Mage of None Magic won the 2010 Darrell Award for Best Novel. His story, Path of an Arrow, received the 2012 Darrell Award for Best Novella. He recently completed his second novel and is at work on The Book of Sediahm, the next book in the Heart of the Sisters series. An award-winning graphic designer, when not slogging away at his trusty Macbook, Pedro, he can be found hiding around a nearby corner waiting to leap out at either of his unsuspecting children.

Book Synopsis A Mage of None Magic: Myth tells that magic came to be when the fabled gem known as the Heart of the Sisters was shattered by evil gods. The same tale speaks of the Heart being healed one day, unleashing a power that will bring the end of humankind.

While traveling to begin his magical studies, young apprentice Niel finds himself suddenly at the center of the Heart's terrifying legend. Caught in a whirlwind of events that fractures the foundation of everything he's believed, Niel learns his role in the world may be far more important than he ever could have imagined--or ever would have wished.

A Mage of None Magic begins an extraordinary adventure into a perilous land where autocratic magicians manipulate an idle aristocracy, where common academia struggles for acceptance, and where after ages of disregard myth and legend refuse to be ignored any longer.

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Amazon Links for A Mage of None Magic
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Kindle Version

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