Friday, August 29, 2014

Immortal's almost about a teaser?

You know how sometimes things don't turn out quite how you want them to? How you just can't make the world fit into your parameters? Well, that's been the past few years for me and it has had more than a tiny impact on my writing. I'm getting it all together and with that comes Immortal Machinations: the Arc of Transformation. I am incredibly excited to share this book with you because  it has allowed me to move in new directions! The release date is still slated for September 19th as I move off to IMAGINARIUM in Louisville, Kentucky for the weekend - where else would be better to release my new book than an awesome new convention??

Now, without further delay, another small teaser....

“Do not leave my side, Katerina.”  Francis whispered as he guided her toward the stairs.  Her heels clicked on the stairs sending echoes behind them. 

“I would not dream of it, Francis.”  She whispered back and nudged him gently in the side.  “Remember, do not speak to me.”

“That’s going to be difficult.”  Francis paused at the top of the stairs.

“You will be fine.”  Katerina nudged him again.  “Let’s go.”

They turned left and just as Katerina said there were two hulking sentries flanking the largest doorway Francis had ever seen.  Even the massive sentries were dwarfed by the stone columns bracing the door frame.  As they approached the guards, Francis was awed by their size.  He was not a small man, one of the tallest in his village, but these men were more than a head taller than Francis and thrice as broad.  Each wore a long black robe with wide hoods covering all but the tips of their noses.  In their hands, the men held longswords, blade down and palms resting on the hilts.  They nodded at Francis as he approached the threshold, their ragged breathing the only sound until they stepped into the room.

Easily as large as the work room he’d seen earlier but twice as tall.  The ceiling was rounded and covered in paintings depicting a night sky.  It seemed to move, to swirl and pulse with the beat of the music.  Francis tried to take it all in, eyes flitting from one thing to the next, fountains at either side and an enormous black marble hearth at the far end of the room.  Square tables were set about the room, each with plush chairs and extravagant place settings.  People were milling about in small groups, laughing and talking with such gaiety.  At the far end of the room some people were dancing near a set of instruments that seemed to be playing themselves.  Francis chanced a glance at Katerina but she remained stoic, glancing about as if not seeing a thing though he knew she was seeing everything. 

“They are enchanted.”  Katerina’s lips barely moved as she breathed the answer to his unspoken question. 

“Ah, Francis, you have made it.” The cool baritone set Francis’ teeth on edge.

Katerina pressed his arm lightly giving the appearance that they were turning in unison.  Francis immediately recognized Edward as the silent half of the pair in front of him.  A head shorter than his apparent partner, Edward seemed nothing more than an ornament this evening.  The taller man spoke again, his words measured and precise.  “Please, allow me to introduce myself, I am Constantine.  It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.”  Constantine inclined his head slightly.  He wore gold brocade and fur with heavy jewelry offsetting his deeply tanned skin and jet black hair. 

On instinct, Francis bowed his head slightly lower before responding, “Thank you for your invitation, this evening.”

Constantine cracked a half smile and arched one very defined eyebrow.  His eyes flashed golden as if reflecting his robes.  “You have either been taught some manners or you are more adaptable than we thought.  Which is it?”

“I could not say, my lord.  I was not certain that my response was appropriate.”  Francis spoke honestly as if he could not lie if he’d wanted to. 

A chilling laugh broke from Constantine’s mouth.  “Truly, you are a delight, Francis.  I look forward to watching you evolve.”  He waved a hand toward the festivities, “Please, enjoy yourself this evening and we will talk again soon.”  Constantine offered one last grin before drifting away with Edward in tow.

“Well done, Francis.”  Katerina’s whispers barely just registered in Francis’ ear before Constantine’s place was taken by a short, squat, balding man.

“Greetings, Francis.”  The man bobbed his head though it was difficult to notice given the girth of his neck and chins.  “I am Lord Reginald and this,” he gestured with fat, heavily jeweled, sausage-like fingers toward a young woman less than half his age standing just behind him, “is my wife, Lady Isolde.”  The young woman curtseyed and it was then that Francis noticed her to be in a delicate state.  Though she attempted to hide it with the folds of her elaborate emerald robes, Lady Isolde was clearly well into her confinement period.  Francis had delivered enough babes into this world to know how close the Lady was to term and that at her size it would not likely be an easy delivery.  Still, the lovely young girl glowed, cheeks rouged to a lovely pink offsetting a pair of brilliant sapphire eyes and golden blonde hair.  Lord Reginald was very wealthy to have such a bride.  Katerina squeezed his elbow lightly spurring Francis to respond.

“A pleasure to meet you, my Lord.”  He bowed formally to Lady Isolde, “and my Lady.  You are ravishing.”

Lord Reginald beamed even wider, his pudgy face flaring red.  “We expect great things from you, Francis, great things indeed.  I understand you were somewhat of a physician for your village for a time.”

Francis nodded, “I was called upon at times, my Lord.  But I was never formally educated in medicine.”

“Would you wish to be educated in medicine?”  Lady Isolde’s voice was little more than a whisper but her eyes shone brightly and with such curiosity that Francis realized she was a bright girl, far brighter than her husband.

“Aye, my lady.  If it were possible, I would be educated in all manners of science.”  Francis tipped his head toward her. 

Lady Isolde tugged at her husband’s arm, “My Lord, can we see that Francis be granted a tutor so that he may master the practice of medicine?”  She spoke so sweetly, batting her eyes at Lord Reginald.
The plump Lord patted his wife’s hand, “would that please you, my Lady?”  He did not wait for her response but turned his face toward Francis, “I will see to it that you be given everything necessary to study medicine provided you continue to do what is asked of you.  Do you accept?”

Francis nodded but before he could say more, a rather voluptuous woman pushed in front of Lord Reginald, “You are taking too much time with our guest, my Lord.  You must share with the rest of us.”  The new arrival towered over Lord Reginald and Lady Isolde, her curves seemingly poured into her shimmering scarlet ball gown. Truly, Francis had never seen so many raucous colors in his life. It seemed to be the way of things for these people, none of them spared Katerina a second glance. Indeed, they seemed quite focused on him.  This lady was no exception, her shrewd gaze trained on Francis, nearly standing eye to eye with him, “welcome to our family, Francis.  I am Rohesia but you may call me Lady Ro.  This is my consort, Galen.”  Lady Ro pulled her partner close to her, edging Lord Reginald and his wife completely out of Francis’ vantage point.  Galen inclined his head stiffly toward Francis, his eyes flicking about the room never seeming to stop on anything for more than a moment.  “Darling, you are simply stunning.” Lady Ro purred at him and Francis noted that her eyes had a very feline appearance that was exaggerated by thick charcoal lining her lids and extending to points at the corners.  She leaned in close to him, “We supernaturals must stay close; I am not like them anymore than you are, my friend.  They seek to own us, to keep us all leashed like beasts.  Do what you must but be wary of gifts; they seldom come without strings attached and at times, heavy iron manacles.”  Lady Rohesia backed away, speaking in an exaggerated voice once more, “Come, Galen, I need wine.”  She winked at Francis and almost imperceptibly dipped her head in acknowledgement of Katerina. 

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