Thursday, August 21, 2014

Please give a warm Emerald Seer welcome to the exceptional Crymsyn Hart...

I am SO thrilled to bring you this interview with Crymsyn Hart as she promotes Death's Dance. Don't miss out!!

VP: What is your inspiration? What helps you get through writer's block?
Crymsyn: My inspiration for writing is really the world around me. I think every author can say that too. I get a lot of my ideas from dreams or see something interesting on the news that my brain weaves into a plot line. I even get ideas based on new words that I learn.
Writer’s block is a pain. Mostly I clean, wait it out, read a book, or just get away from the writing altogether.

VP: Do you listen to music when you write? Have a completely silent space?
Crymsyn: I do listen to music when I write. I don’t listen to anything specific just a lot of many different bands. Sometimes I have silence, but mostly I need to listen to something to drown up the noise around me.

VP: When did you first start writing? What genre do you prefer?
Crymsyn: I started writing early on. The first thing that I started writing was a fantasy story about unicorns with the friends of mine. I was in fifth grade. I prefer writing in both the paranormal romance and horror genres.

VP:  What is your favorite book (or who is your favorite author) and why?
Crymsyn: My favorite book is called The Making of A Monster by Gail Petersen. I remember picking it up when I was a teenager and I’m not on my third copy of it. It’s a vampire novel about a woman who gets more than she bargained for when she meets a man she has fallen in love for. I love it because it’s an anti-love story. Something about it just resonates with it.

VP:  Do you have another job and if so what is it?
Crymsyn: I do have another full time job. I work in the insurance industry. I am lucky to be able to work from home most of the week so I can spend the time with my dogs.

VP: Who is your favorite character? Why?
Crymsyn: My most favorite character is Azrael, the angel of Death. He appears in at least half of my books. Because he is a grim reaper at heart, he can move between dimensions so with each book being a different universe he can pop in whenever he likes. Plus, I also made him into a vampire, so that makes me happy. Normally when he pops in, he reveals something more about his past that I never knew.

VP: What scenes are most difficult to write?
Crymsyn: These days the most difficult scenes to write are the sex scenes when it comes to my paranormal romance books only because I’ve written so much of it. After a while it gets boring trying to come up with new ideas where to put what where. Although in horror, I find trying to balance scenes with being scary enough and not going over the top of the scare difficult.

VP: Do you see yourself in any of your characters?
Crymsyn: I do see myself in many of my characters. Not in all of them, but the ones that I see myself in I tend to be my most favorite.

VP: Indie pub or trad pub?
Crymsyn: Indie all the way. I love all my indie publishers. Most have treated me fairly and I am involved in the publishing process.

VP: If you could take the place of one of your characters, which one would you choose and why?
Crymsyn: I would like to take the place of my character Brenna in my Soul Reaper series. She’s also a grim reaper, a psychic, and a vampire. Also she’s the character that is most like me. (Because I’m secretly a vampire…shhh) Brenna lives in a world where I had molded many of the characters with people I worked with at the time and used the place I worked with as the main setting for the novel.

VP: What is your favorite TV show/movie from your childhood?  What is it now?
Crymsyn: As a child my favorite movie was Poltergeist. I have a tossup now between two movies: It and Rose Red. I watch them the most when I am writing.

About Crymsyn Hart:  Crymsyn Hart is a national bestselling author of over seventy paranormal romance and horror novels. Her experiences as a psychic have given her a lot of material to use in her books. She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good horror movie or off with friends.

Death’s Dance Book Synopsis:  Being a psychic, you would think talking to the dead was a walk in the park. However, it’s not always that simple. The hooded specter haunting me is one I’ve been dreaming about since I was a kid. One day, he appeared in my bedroom mirror. Good. Evil. I don’t know what his true intentions are.
Enter Jackson, ghost hunting show host extraordinaire, and my ex, to save me from the big bad ghost.
From there…well…it’s been a world wind of complications. My house burnt down. I’m being stalked by an ancient evil and gotten myself back into the world of being a ghost hunting psychic. Jackson dragged me, along with a few other psychics, to a ghost town wiped off the map called Death’s Dance.
From there things went from bad to worse.
Death's Dance is Book One of the Deathly Encounters Series

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