Monday, January 26, 2015

Say something brilliant...

I hear this phrase in my head more often than I should. 

Every time I sit down to write a blog post lately things get foggy. It happens from time to time and I know it is normal but it sucks nonetheless. So here I sit staring at the screen trying to put the thoughts together and expel them through my fingers. I've learned that my words, my ideas are tied to my emotions and when I have a lot on my plate the words don't come out. And I have had a lot on my plate. We all go through it sometimes, right? 

So here I sit thinking "say something brilliant" though I know I can't. Not until I find a way to reconnect my thoughts to my fingers without all of the extraneous buzzing in my head.

You know what's good about the buzzing though? Strange ideas. Kinda awesome ideas. I now have a list of ideas to explore that weren't there before. 

And it's almost Con season. Con season always makes me feel better. Maybe then I can say something brilliant, or at least sensical.  

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