Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's almost here!

National Novel Writing Month is quickly becoming one of my very favorite months of the year.  NaNoWriMo inspires me to push through the hard parts of writing, challenge myself and focus on my work in progress rather than jotting down a variety of new story ideas.  I need that sometimes.  Okay, I need it a lot of the time.  I have been laying off the heavy writing for the last week or so and focused on short projects like my current participation in a little writing - re-writing? - contest where I get one page of a nineteenth century vampire story to rewrite.  Page 111 to be exact.  I have a few different versions and am re-reading the book once more to prepare me for my final decision on which one to enter.  Not only has it been a refreshing break, this particular exercise has been a different type of challenge with very few rules which has allowed me to push the envelope - something I am rather fond of doing!

I am quite excited this year to have some amazing groups to participate with and a rocking awesome Nano-buddy (Hi Kate!!).  NaNoWriMo will also mark the end of an era - my first series - as the Emerald Seer Series comes to a close with End of the Night.  Though I have enough material and ideas to put something else together for the series I do not have any intentions of doing that now as I embark on some other projects. 

Next month should be REALLY busy but I am driven and I WILL "win" NaNoWriMo this year. 

In the mean time, I hope you are all pulling together some costumes for my 2nd favorite holiday!!  Halloween is the best time of year for paranormal/fantasy lovers!!

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