So, not a horribly original title but I feel the need to blog today and I have little to say at the moment beyond the awesome Pop Tart I just devoured, Halloween and all that goes with it, and of course, my intense fondness of fantasy that rears its head every time I flip through the movie channels and see Lord of the Rings is showing (and I really don't care which one though I am partial to Fellowship and Return of the King over Two Towers).
First off, the Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts warrant an acknowledgment because I found the one I had to be quite enjoyable. The nice crisp "crust" with the scrumptious pumpkin-pie like filling was a nice treat on this dreary afternoon. I was meandering through the grocery store picking up those odds and ends we needed when I saw this display filled with seasonal Pop Tarts and I simply could NOT pass up the box marked Pumpkin Pie. To say I am glad I made the lapse in my normally well thought out diet is an understatement because this little excursion from the norm was truly worth it. Just the right combo of sweet and spicy I found myself pleasantly satisfied all around. And yes, I acknowledge that this was a pointless blurb about a less than healthy snack but goodness it was good and I could have done far worse! I strongly suggest you run out and try a box sooner than later!
This brings me to Halloween. I may have mentioned it before and if I have, pardon the repeat, but I adore Halloween. I love the decorations, the costumes, the candy, and the haunted houses. I love fall with all of its amazing smells and colors but Halloween is exceptionally fun and in my mind the highlight of the season (with the exception of football because, let's face it, football is the reason for the season!). My kiddos are struck with that ever impossible task of deciding on a Halloween costume. Yesterday my daughter landed on her final choice and I am slightly tickled - Hermione Granger. She is very concerned about having the wand and making her hair look just right and I have to say that it pleases me greatly to see her so invested. Ryan is not quite as excited about costuming so I am grateful that my kiddos took after me and got the dress-up gene! My son is still whittling away the choices but I suspect he will end on something Star Wars related as he desperately wants the family to dress up as Anakin Skywalker (Ryan), Padme Amidala (Me), Leia (my daughter), and Luke Skywalker (him). My daughter about broke his little heart when she insisted on being Hermione but I think I put an end to that war - thankfully. We will have to save the "Mommy and Daddy are not dressing up this year" discussion for later. Then again, perhaps I will throw something together just for the fun of dressing up. No, it won't be my usual outlandish and extravagant costume but how can I allow my second favorite holiday to come and go without any pomp and circumstance on my part? I can't. I really think a small part of me may shrivel up if I don't dress up...hmmmm.....
Finally, fantasy. I love it. The whole idea of another world with different rules and full of magics and unusual creatures. I am sitting here watching Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King for about the thousandth time (not kidding) and even though I know exactly what's going to happen and what parts of the movie I take exception with, I still enjoy it immensely. I prefer to read the books, naturally, but having the movie going in the background while I write/edit/promote is soothing and somehow keeps me motivated through the not so fun parts (writer's block for example). It helps my mind roll around the hard stuff, the sad stuff, and so on. Though the Emerald Seer Series started out as a romance (paranormal as it were) I re-read it and find that it is much heavier on the fantasy with some romantic undertones and the occasional steamy scene. No matter how I try I simply cannot shake my true love of fantasy fiction. The worlds I can create in my head are more fun and make for the best vacations from the mundane errands and yawner jobs that occupy a good chunk of my time. Fantasy worlds are built on very real principles but I love that I can bend them anyway I want. I worry for those who can't get lost somewhere in a fantasy world - film or book - because they are truly missing out.
Speaking of fantasy - pick up a good book today, get out of this world and dive into another one, even if it is just for a bit.
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