Friday, May 10, 2013

Sample Saturday Excerpt

Now that the series is done, I want to revisit some of my favorite excerpts!!

This is from LIGHT MY FIRE, the second Emerald Seer installment and gives a picture of the dynamic between Lucian, Ryder, and Storm that I loved so much.  

“Alright, let’s walk.” Storm knew Lucian and Ryder both had plenty to say. She still didn’t feel threatened. Not that she was taking anything lightly where her child was concerned, but come on, Willow Wood had become the Fort Knox of the supernatural world, she couldn’t think of anyone or anything more protected than her at the moment. Not that she appreciated the idea of being on lockdown, but it didn’t have to be that way either. Storm looped an arm around Ryder’s waist, cherishing the electric jolt that came with his touch, and followed Lucian into the orchard.

“It really is not that bad.” Okay, so she really sounded like a child.

“Storm, it is that bad. It is worse than that bad.” Lucian plucked an apple off a tree and bit into it. How could he be hungry? He chewed slowly and watched her. She swore the fire flickered again but Lucian just stood there, eating the apple and watching her. Ryder remained silent, his hand settled at the small of her back as they leaned against the old wooden fence. She couldn’t get anything off of Ryder, just images of her, how he saw their child, shadowy figures watching along the edges of each scene. Finally, Ryder exhaled.

“Tell her, Lucian.”

Lucian tossed the apple core into the nearest compost barrel. “Storm, most lovely Emerald, the brethren excommunicated all of us. The notices arrived while we were out. They refuse to sanction your union with Ryder and have declared the Scots, Roane, Ryder, and I to be traitors. We are fair game for all races to capture, hold, and torture as they see fit. They have started collecting everybody linked to us and are attempting to shut down Ryder’s businesses as we speak. Fortunately, they cannot touch Durstine since I signed it over to Federick, you remember him, right? The bartender? Since he still lives as a human and never officially became a familiar they cannot touch him without interfering with human law and apparently they are unwilling to go that far - yet. Frederick will settle into the manor within the week but the Scots are going tonight to gather what we need.”

Storm’s world came to a halt. Dammit! What were they all thinking? She suddenly felt small, and worse, guilty. Gut-wrenchingly guilty. Her voice came out much squeakier than she intended. “You should have gone when they called, Luc. Why did you stay?” For the thousandth time in six months Storm resented her emotions, wished she could put the genie back in the bottle and return to the unfeeling wonder she used to be. Then Ryder squeezed her hand, such a simple thing, but one that set the world right again. Giving up her emotions would mean giving up him. How could she do that?

“Storm, I am only going to say this once for very obvious reasons. I care for you, I think you are amazing and what you have done for Ryder is nothing short of a miracle. When I first arrived here six months ago I told Ryder I would back him and I keep my word.” The intensity of his gaze dissipated, replaced with a sarcastic one, “Besides, I love a good fight and this could prove to be the fight of a lifetime.”

Ryder rolled his eyes and Storm relaxed into a giggle which erupted into a full fit of laughter.

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