Friday, May 17, 2013

Sample Saturday

Just a little excerpt from LIGHT MY FIRE (Emerald Seer II).

“That won’t be necessary, I am sure it is spectacular, Ang. Remember, you promised to surprise me with all of those decisions?” Storm relaxed as Angeline’s magic flowed through her and numbing the pain as it spread. She really didn’t care to go through all of the bags, not now. Kell seemed relieved as he deposited the bags on the desk. Pollux followed suit and then took one of Lucian’s glasses, downed it in one gulp, and set it back in his hand.

“Pour me another you thieving Scot.” Lucian glared up at him. “You should know better than to touch a man’s scotch. What is your problem?”

“Oh, I don’t know, perhaps it was the banshee attack in the parking lot on the way in or the troll confrontation on the way back. Maybe it was because Call of Duty was sold out. Or, most likely, it was the agonizing two hours we spent looking at baby clothes that all look exactly the same. Take your pick. I needed a drink, you had two.” Pollux shrugged, upon seeing Lucian’s reddening face quickly added, “I’ll get you two fresh pours if you down that one.”

“You do that.” Lucian emptied his other glass and deposited them in Pollux’s outstretched hands. “Pour my way too, do not be stingy.”

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