Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thankfully it's over

I have a confession.  Probably something you would not expect from someone like me, somebody who writes romantic elements but I loathe Valentine's Day.  I really hate it.  Since I left my grade school behind I have found the holiday to be increasingly despicable.

I confess that I enjoyed passing out valentines as a child, but I no longer find charm in the ridiculous "holiday" created to force romance into lovers' lives.  Why should there be one day (two if you count the equally disturbing Sweetest Day) to shower your lover with presents and affection?  Shouldn't love be celebrated on a perfectly innocuous day as much as any other?

To make matters worse there is so much pink all about that I believe even Barbie would run screaming.  I am not a fan of pink, anybody who knows me can tell you that.  All of the puffy pinks and frills and silly gifts that serve little to no purpose other than to line the pockets of some already wealthy businessmen.

I mean no offense to all those who just adore Valentine's Day but I would rather have a random day of affection (okay, several random days) than just one that millions of other people celebrate as well.

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