Saturday, July 21, 2012


After much deliberation, a lot of re-writing, editing, and more re-writing I have decided to break the last Emerald Seer book into two books.  I will be releasing the first half of my current manuscript under the title LOVE HER MADLY and the second half will continue as END OF THE NIGHT which will be the final Emerald Seer installment as originally planned.  I finally figured out, after a long discussion (mostly with myself) that what isn't working is me trying to cram too much into one book.  As I have been writing and editing and re-working it has become painfully clear that the book was becoming WAY too long and something needed to be changed.  I have always loved the song "Love Her Madly" and it was one of the potential titles for a while so I am thrilled to be able to use it.  To, that end, LOVE HER MADLY is nearly complete, just needs a final scene and one more edit.

*SPOILERS for those who cannot wait*

I have elected to disclose some key story details for those who have been eagerly awaiting END OF THE NIGHT.  LOVE HER MADLY will include:

1) The real story of Olivia's (Angeline's sister) purpose
2) The vampires officially sign on to Team Emerald
3) Storm will give birth at the close of this book

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