Sunday, July 1, 2012

KDP Select and why I left

Yes, formatting for Smashwords is a pain in the rear and Barnes&Noble's PubIt is not particularly indie friendly but Select has more than lost its edge.  I found myself increasingly disappointed with sales/numbers/outcome over the last few months.  It is unfortunate that I am losing the five freebie days as a promo option but after taking a serious look at my numbers, I realized that the freebie promos and borrows were not enough to justify alienating the potential sales via B&N and Smashwords.  Why would somebody waste a once/month borrow on a 99 cent or $2.99 title when they could use it on a ridiculously overpriced ebook from a trad publisher?  It is pure economics, I would do the same thing.  $14.99 for an ebook is outrageous but if you borrow it for free then there's no big, right?  You then can purchase several ebooks by lesser known authors if you so choose.  Not that I didn't have my share of borrows or successes with the freebie days, I just found that after the first one or two freebies the benefits tend to dwindle.  Yes, I got wonderful exposure that I otherwise would not have but the time has come for my Emerald Seer Series to sink or swim on its own - and believe me, I hope it swims.  I am very thankful for the opportunity KDP offered but that chapter has come to an end and I am ready to start the next one.

PS - Re-writing parts of End of the Night to smooth things out and it is going to be longer than anticipated!!

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