Sunday, November 6, 2011

Teaser from "Light My Fire"

1503 – Lucian
The witch lied.  Damn her.  Lucian vowed to pay her back tenfold if it was the last thing he ever did.  Six months and the fire still burned through every inch of his being.  The spirit remained angry and thrashed against him with enough force to make him wretch up whatever food he managed to choke down.  Ryder noticed his weight loss.  Worry creased his friend’s brow more often than not these days, and it certainly wasn’t about the new recruits.  The Scots, Kell and Pollux always eyed Lucian warily but they had taken to Ryder.  Still, Ryder watched him closely.  Whenever Ryder broached the subject or attempted to touch his mind, Lucian shut down, glared, and stormed off.  
He remained resolved to tame the beast but it made him irritable.  Lucian felt anger writhing inside him, fury and fire he’d dubbed it.  He refused to use its real name, Phoenix, as punishment.  The more Lucian reasoned with it, the angrier it grew and the more it burned so he’d taken to other methods.  Strongest of the Immortals he had taken on the Phoenix and the witch promised it would submit to Lucian in two days to remain little more than a flicker for all of time.   He should have known better.  They all should have. 

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