Thursday, February 2, 2012


Okay, so I have an excuse, really.  I have been uber-sick (fever, gross congestion, the whole bit) and so has my daughter.  Fortunately she is better but unfortunately I am still struggling with it.  The good?  I am forced to take on extra sleep.  The bad?  I have not been writing.  By the time I have peace and quiet at night I am far too wiped (and the cough is not helping) to sit down and put anything worthwhile together.  I would rather hold off, regroup, and write something of quality instead of feverish drivel.  At least I post an excerpt from End of the Night :)

Make sure you stop in and check out the new review for Ryder on the Storm - it's a good one!!


  1. My heart goes out to you! These things come in cycles. You'll be up and about in not time. I'm sure of it! :)

    BTW, did you know James Cameron came up with The Terminator when he also lay in bed sick with a fever? Yep. He had visions in his feverish state of an exoskeleton emerging from a fire to reveal itself to him in full regalia! True story. So...maybe this is a good thing. You never know what stories lay waiting to write from your gosh-awful state! :D

    Feel better!

  2. Funny you say that, I have been working an idea for something completely different from everything else I have done but I could not figure out the dialogue for one of my main characters until I was laying there TRYING to fall asleep and it came to me....weird but true.....
